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Thursday, January 19, 2012

E's 6 Month Pedi Check-up

Tuesday E and I went to her 6 month well baby checkup.  Great news, she has grown lengthwise pretty fast, in fact her pedi had to measure her twice, the second time herself, to double check how much longer she has grown.  The bad news is that she hasn't gained weight very fast but the pedi and I agree that it is probably because she lost weight being sick with the cold.  So, here are her new stats:

Head Circ: 17 inches, which is in the 50-75th percentile
Length: 26.5 inches, which is 50-75th percentile
Weight: 15.75 lbs, which is in the 25-50th percentile

Which means her head has come up, at 4 months she was in the 25-50th percentile, her length has stayed in the same percentile, and her weight has gone down, but again I think that's because for nearly 2 weeks while she was sick she was only drinking 8-10 ounces max.  She is back to her normal 21-26 ounces so I think that she'll gain that weight back especially since we are starting solids.

She has had bananas and sweet potato purees so far.  She seems to like the sweet potatoes more than the bananas, which is good because her pedi wants us to give her veggies first and then once we have given her all the veggies start on fruits.  She said sometimes once babies start having fruit they loose interest in veggies.  So, onwards with veggies.  Here are pics of our first sweet potato experience.  She'll have one more night of sweet potatoes and then on Saturday we start peas.


  1. Why can't I stop imagining that the second photo is her reaction to the idea of starting peas? Hehe my niece is a cute one!

  2. I'm glad that you're feeling better Evette! Hopefully she'll be able to gain more weight soon!!
